January 2017 No-Buy-Low-Buy Accountability

The title of this post is misleading since January was neither No- or Low-Buy. It was the spectacular month of Haulaury!

I can’t be the only one who succumbed to all the post-holiday sales?

Korean beauty Haul: Holika Holika, Etude House, Clio

Or, as I call them, stuff that are are so cute, you just can’t refuse them! XD

Hauluary: bath & Body

This was probably the most colourful post I ever made on the blog.

Hauluary 2017: makeup and Skincare

I did a lot of damage both in-store and online…

Hauluary: nail Polish

I can’t wait to dive into all of these!

No tally of the spend but I did count how many items I acquired for inventory tracking purposes, here’s the breakdown (sans bath stuff):

Φροντίδα του δέρματος:
• 2 Cleansers
• 2 Serums
• 1 Eye cream
• 29 Masks

• 5 foundations (including BB cream)
• 2 Concealers
• 5 Powders
• 1 Bronzer
• 12 Blushes
• 10 Eye shadows (singles, duos, palettes)
• 5 Eye liners
• 5 Mascaras
• 9 Lipstick / gloss / balms
• 8 tools (brushes / blending sponges)
• 58 nail polishes (10 minis, 48 full size)

I’m kind of surprised by how many base products (foundations, powders and concealers) I got! I should note that this isn’t technically the end of Hauluary as I have a few lagging shipments which I’m waiting on – so watch out for a final Hauluary post sometime mid-Feb.

February and March are both No-Buy months and if all goes well, my accountability updates should consist of blank posts! I’m not sure what I’ll write about at month-end. maybe I’ll talk about all the temptations I encountered (and link back to the posts to blame!), or about my shopping list / plans for the upcoming Low-Buy?

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Σαν αυτό:
Όπως η φόρτωση …

Σχετιζομαι με

Korean beauty Haul: Holika Holika, Etude House, ClioI’m slowly climbing out of the mountain of boxes and bags containing beauty products from post-holiday clearance hauls. So begins Hauluary 2017. XD first up, my Korean beauty hauls from 2 places: Holika Holika and Ibbi Beauty. Holika Holika I discovered an actual Holika Holika bricks and mortar store so I bought…
January 19, 2017In “Beauty”

February 2016 Low-Buy AccountabilityThis is the first check-in for my 2016 Low-Buy.  For February, I allocated $50 to spend on makeup.  I managed to stay within my budget! 😀 My first makeup purchase of February was in my lush haul at the beginning of the month where I bought the Sophisticated cream Eyeshadow for $19.95…
March 2, 2016In “Beauty”

Accountability summary (+ makeup Inventory)In reviewing my post history, I realized that I’ve never once posted an annual summary of my Lo-Buy / No-Buy accountability. and I think I know why… because I’m a sneaky cheat! 😛 Let’s rewind a little.  If you’ve followed my blog since the early days, you’ll know that this…
January 29, 2018In “Beauty”

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