Beautiful blogger award

I was triple tagged for this award by Bree of Always, Bree, joy of Styled with joy and Sam of Glam with Sam!  So honoured to have such lovely ladies nominate me for this one!  If you live under a rock and have never visited their blogs, get thee to their blogs, pronto!  Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Ok, you’re back? Onto the nominees.

Οι κανόνες:
• display the award logo on your blog.
• thank the person who nominated you and link back to them.
• Nominate 7 other bloggers and say a little something about them.
• let them know they have been nominated.

My Nominees:

Asian beauty obsessed – currently lives in Taiwan teaching English and reviews all manner of Asian cosmetics!  She introduced me to the Taiwanese brand Narüko and I can’t wait to try it.

beauty As I know It – provides to-the-point reviews on skincare and makeup from the UK perspective.  I feel like we have similar interests and I can relate to her posts a lot.

The Life of Kristyn – a fellow Canuck with a passion for makeup and fashion – there are so many of us on the bloggosphere, muahaha, we will take over the world!  Kristyn’s 14 days of makeup faves is going to make your wish list grow day by day.

Princess without the Tutu – I just love #MurphMondays!  Emily is a ray of sunshine and posts about food, life, glitter and oh yeah, her golden Retriever Collie x, Murphy.

perpetual progress – fellow No-Buyer and sample hoarder!  I love seeing her posts come up on my reader as I know she will always have some products she’s used up or is trying out.

Ryane Zamora beauty – provides lifestyle and beauty from a university student’s perspective.  Her positive attitude and openness is quite infectious!

fivezero – is my nail polish hero.  Excuse me while I gush here: I used to drool over her nail swatches and reviews over on MakeupAlley years ago when I was starting to hoard collect nail polishes.  Recently, just randomly, I found her on wordpress and renewed my admiration of her!  I can’t wait until her nail polish database is up and running.  A question that I’ve always been curious about: what does your name, “fivezero” mean?

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Σαν αυτό:
Όπως η φόρτωση …

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