Awesomeness Alert! warm wintertime tights to keep You Toasty

allow me to rock your world.
Greetings from The Land of No Pants.

No, I’m not just sitting here at my desk with my bum hanging out. I’m wearing these wonderful tights that I can’t believe I just found out about. They’re called the brushed sweater Tights, and they’re by a brand called Hue.


Normally, they’re $15, but I got them back on Black Friday for $9.99 each. Also, though, they’re on sale ideal now on the Macy’s web site for $10.50.

These are great! They’re the warmest, a lot of comfy tights in all the land, and they’re really thick. When you slip into them, it’s nearly like you’re wearing a cashmere sweater on your legs and booty.

You’d think you’d get overheated, right? Οχι. I feel perfectly toasty when I wear these tights, so you will not be sweltering.


Γάτες & μακιγιάζ φούτερ;

$ 42

Ψώνισε τώρα

Now, of course…I don’t just wear the tights by themselves, so no, I’m not walking around with just tights on, ha ha! I normally wear a dress on top, and then a sweater, and pair them with my khaki Fergie boots. (Which I still love! They’ve held up for years. Props to you, Fergie-Ferg.) OR, I wear them with my over-the-knee Sam Edelman boots, and if it’s extra cold, I’ll add a scarf and a wintertime coat.

What nor Cal wintertime wear looks like…
Granted, here in northern California, while it does get freezing (~30 degrees), the winters are relatively mild compared to the Midwest and the Northeast, where you have sleet and snowbanks and temps fall well below freezing. I don’t know if I could manage wearing just these tights in a place with extreme wintertime weather, but maybe if you do live someplace like that, you could wear these underneath your pants for an extra layer of warmth, or you could double up on them, which is what I would probably do, LOL!

Living the no-pants dream
I think they’re great. They maintain their snugness throughout the day, too, so they don’t loosen up, and they kinda hold you in… I mean, not as intensely as Spanx or anything, but I do feel a moderate sausage-y effect, which I appreciate.

Super cute with brown suede boots

FYI, it’s been a minute considering that I’ve worn tights, and it took me a while to figure out which side is the front, because there’s no tag.

Note: The side where you see a single seam going up the middle? That’s the front, and the back has these two seems that sorta cup your butt cheeks. So, if you do end up getting these, let me help you out! That’s how you put them on.

I got them in all three colors — black, brown and gray — and I love them to pieces!


Η φιλική σας γειτονιά έκκληση εξαρτημένη,


ΥΣΤΕΡΟΓΡΑΦΟ. delighted new Year!!!!!!

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