Μακιγιάζ και έκκληση Blog Δευτέρα Δημοσκόπηση, Vol. 543

Blushin’ on this stunning Monday!

Έτσι … Ποια είναι η Δημοσκόπηση της Δευτέρας;

Καλή ερώτηση! It isn’t, in contrast to its name, an actual poll. It’s just a list of five a lot more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past gazillion years (more than 10!). I love reading your answers, and it helps me get my week off to a terrific start. ?

1. Is golf fun?

It is if it’s mini-golf and I’m winning. ?

2. What’s hiding under your bed at night?

Um…the trail of broken hearts I left behind in the ’90s? — also, Pennywise, who’s undoubtedly only there because he’s hanging out with that scary clown from Poltergeist!


But seriously, I’ve got a stack of Williams Sonoma cookbooks under the bed because I like to read them before snoozing.

3. Mascara or false lashes?

Mascara, ya’ll. In fact, I’m convinced that wearing false lashes for a spell (coupled with turning 40) ruined my natural lashes. ?

4. Balayage or highlights?

Balayage, please! — but only if my pal Alis can do them.


Γάτες & μακιγιάζ φούτερ;

$ 42

Ψώνισε τώρα

5. how well could you manage living with five cats?

I wanna say that I could hang, because it seems like the proper CCL answer, but Tabs aggressively trained me to be a one-cat woman (he’s territorial TO THE EXTREME), so I don’t think I’d fare extremely well in a multi-cat household…

BONUS QUESTION: Chanel or Dior?

Chanel all the way.

My favorite part of doing makeup lately…

Καλημέρα! OK, deep thoughts today because, ya know…Monday. I can’t manage anything too intense before 10 a.m. on a Monday unless it’s absolutely necessary, ha ha ha!

Here it is: I was just thinking about how much I love wearing blush — and not just because I look less zombie with some color on my cheeks, but also because of how exceptionally satisfying it is to sweep that much color over such a large area of my face (applying bronzer is similarly satisfying).

Juxtaposed to how it is with eye makeup, especially if I’m attempting anything with a lot more than two shadows where I have to be very careful and mindful of my placement and blending.

With blush, I can go buck wild and sweep back and forth with reckless abandon, LOL!

And yo, don’t blush brushes just feel so gloriously good on your skin? It’s like being kissed by 100 tender kittens. I’m kinda/sorta hoping that the fashion gods make it trendy to wear blush all over your face, like across your forehead, on your chin and along your jawlines, someday.

Hey, if un-blended dark purple lip liner can have its day, why not full-face blush? ?

Η φιλική σας γειτονιά έκκληση εξαρτημένη,



ΥΣΤΕΡΟΓΡΑΦΟ. question time! here are they are to copy/paste with your answers in a comment. τα λέμε σύντομα.

1. Is golf fun?
2. What’s hiding under your bed at night?
3. Mascara or false lashes?
4. Balayage or highlights?
5. how well could you manage living with five cats?

BONUS QUESTION: Chanel or Dior?

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