Makeup and charm blog Monday Poll, Vol. 333

The makeup and charm blog Monday Poll for August 11, 2014
You might be wondering, “So what in tarnation is this Monday Poll thing anyway!?”

Λοιπόν, δεν είναι ακριβώς μια δημοσκόπηση. It’s much more of a continuously evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past seven years. (It’s like a kickstart for your brain.) I’ve always delighted in reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you delight in reading mine.

What’s the weirdest thing in your refrigerator best now?
You mean, other than what’s left of El Hub’s two-week-old birthday cake (which has very likely gone bad, but he refuses to throw away)? This: two bath & Body works Body Splashes. ΧΑΧΑΧΑ! putting them on just feel so friggin’ good when it’s hot…

I used to also keep an eye serum roller in there (Clinique’s All about Eyes) for hot days, but I recently used it up (NOTE TO SELF: get a new eye serum roller for the fridge).

Some of the best moments in life are [FILL IN THE BLANK].
Ησυχια. and they typically don’t seem epic or significant at the time, but later you realize that they were.

[FILL IN THE BLANK] brings me major makeup joy.
Perfectly applying false lashes in one try without having to adjust them brings me major makeup joy. just dropping them down and then whoomp! – εκεί είναι!

[FILL IN THE BLANK] is overrated.
Being a grownup is overrated…

As are pants. pants are awfully overrated.

Shimmer or matte?
GUUUUURL, you know I love the sparkly stuff. but as I get much more “mature” (air quotes), I find myself increasingly reaching for mattes. They’re great for defining the crease and carving out cheekbones while not calling out mah pores — all that good schtuff.

That said…I could never pick mattes over shimmers. I just couldn’t (I mean, I lived through the ’90s), so consider me part of team Shimmer, but I’ll be on a sub-squad called team very subtle Sheen.


Σειρά σου. Απλά αντιγράψτε και επικολλήστε τις παρακάτω ερωτήσεις σε ένα σχόλιο με τις απαντήσεις σας. Ανυπομονώ να τα διαγράψω!

1. What’s the weirdest thing in your refrigerator best now?
2. some of the best moments are [FILL IN THE BLANK].
3. [FILL IN THE BLANK] brings me major makeup joy.
4. [FILL IN THE BLANK] is overrated.
5. Shimmer or matte?


Γάτες & μακιγιάζ φούτερ;

$ 42

Ψώνισε τώρα

Photo by Matt Biddulph.

One of the things I do first thing on a lot of Monday mornings is scour my favorite productivity sites for a new suggestion or technique to latch on to that week… Something to help me focus and get things done.

I was doing that this morning when I found this: schedule Your Day Backwards to get everything done in a timely Manner.

Interesting… I do a lot of different to-do list-type things, but I can’t recall ever trying this.

Here’s my concern, though: what if I don’t do one of my scheduled tasks at its predefined particular time? Does that throw the whole thing out of whack?


Most of my to-do lists don’t have structured times. They’re just a list of things, and I do it that way so I’m totally free to pick and choose when I do each one throughout the day, like, the creative stuff when I feel many creative, and the monotonous stuff when I feel…most monotonous, LOL!

Eh, what the heck. I’ll give it a try… I like the idea of knowing when you’re expected to stop.

Yeah, knowing when I’m expected to take Tabs for his afternoon walk promises to keep me in his good graces, and that’s a very good thing.


Good luck this week, babe. let me know how you’re doing today.

Η φιλική γοητεία της γειτονιάς σας,


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