Makeup and charm blog Monday Poll, Vol. 279

Hey, hey, Monday!

Μπορεί να αναρωτιέστε, “έτσι τι είναι το heck αυτό το θέμα της Δευτέρας δημοσκόπησης ούτως ή άλλως;”

Λοιπόν, δεν είναι μεγάλο μέρος μιας δημοσκόπησης. It’s much more just a continuously evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past four years. I’ve always delighted in reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you delight in reading mine.

What’s something you like doing in the morning?
Um, besides sleeping in? I actually really love working out in the morning. Up through my early 30s, I was always an afternoon/early evening exerciser, the very thought of rolling out of bed and moving my @ss before midday made my tummy turn.

Now, though, I love it! love it, love it, love it! I feel like it gets my day off to a good start, like I’ve already checked something essential off my list.

And truth be told, I’m typically too exhausted to haul my cookies around after a long day assisting my kitty employer.

Do you flourish in chaos?
Ωρες ωρες. I do get a lot done under pressure, but I think everything’s just better when I have the time to get all my ducks in a row.

A place you have very fond memories of?
The North shore of Oahu… I have so numerous pleased memories with El Hub of those beaches and little surf towns, just swimming, relaxing, snorkeling and hanging out with each other. the best was our wedding, though. We got married there at a hotel called Turtle Bay.

We celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary yesterday!

Something you’ve been implying to do but keep putting off for one reason or another?
Ugh, purchase some dresser drawers! I’ve had the same one because 1999, and it has never been any good (damned thing’s drawers don’t close all the way).

I got it second hand off Craigslist for a steal way back when you could meet people on Craigslist without the risk of terrific bodily harm, or at least as high a risk as there seems to be today, and I’ve hated it ever since.

I’ve actually got my eye on this one from Crate & Barrel. It’s completely out of my price range but it’s perfect.

Furniture lust!

How numerous windows did your childhood home have?
Nine, if you include the sliding glass door in the backyard.


What’s your stance on lady mullets?
ΦΙΛΕ. I’ve actually seen it on a few girls, and they looked really, really cute. I mean, you have to have the best style and the mojo to pull it off, but when works, it works.

Is there a part of growing older that’s amazed you?
That it would someday take effort to see the world with wonder, which is something I think I always just did naturally as a kid. I thought it would be easier, to be honest… now I’m certainly much more skeptical and cynical.

Got any projects in the works?

I’m thinking of starting either a fashion or a food blog…because, you know, Tabs gives me sooo much extra time for my side projects, hahaha!


Γάτες & μακιγιάζ φούτερ;

$ 42

Ψώνισε τώρα

Yes, that was sarcasm.

Are you a hipster?
No, but I have a hipster kitty!

Write yourself a kind, encouraging note…
Oh, Karen, I love you, but you really have to chill-the-eff out. just breathe, relax, and look forward to getting a pedicure at 6.

Don’t sweat the small stuff, kiddo. You’re doing just fine.

To complete the Monday Poll, just copy the following list, and paste it with your answers in the comments.


1. What’s something you like doing in the morning?
2. Do you flourish in chaos?
3. A place you have very fond memories of?
4. Something you’ve been implying to do but keep putting off?
5. how numerous windows did your childhood home have?
6. What’s your stance on lady mullets?
7. Something that’s amazed you about growing up and growing older?
8. got any projects in the works?
9. Are you a hipster?
10. write yourself a kind, encouraging note…

Bear with me through some cheese, please, but I feel like I need to tell you something on this beautiful Monday morning. You are appreciated and loved.

Με ακούς? I never take our friendship for granted.

Aww, cheesy, I know. Αγαπώ το τυρί.


You have a good day and fantastic week, okay?

Η φιλική γοητεία της γειτονιάς σας,


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