Makeup as well as appeal blog Monday Poll, Vol. 666

bit steps, babe. Συνέχισε να προχωράς μπροστά! Είμαι μαζί σου.

Έτσι … Ποια είναι η Δημοσκόπηση της Δευτέρας;

Εξαιρετική ερώτηση! It isn’t, in contrast to its name, an actual poll, like with bit clicky buttons. It’s just a listing of five a lot more or less random concerns I’ve been publishing on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007). Μου αρέσει να διαβάζω τις απαντήσεις σας, καθώς και βοήθησε να πάρω την εβδομάδα μου σε μια μεγάλη αρχή. ?

1. A city you love?

I like a great deal of cities, however today? Honolulu, Hawaii. I like the weather, the beaches, the vibe.

MISS YOU, HAWAII! ?️?? Aloha nui loa!


2. Lemonade, lemon bars or lemon pasta?

Lemon bars, however only if I don’t have to make them. ΧΑΧΑΧΑ!

3. huge brows or huge hair?

Big hair for the win! — particularly ’90s supermodel hair.

4. pick one — lash curler or tweezers?

Both are needed objects, however I’ll opt for the tweezers, since chin hair is no joke… I might get around the lash curler by utilizing a curling mascara.


Γάτες & μακιγιάζ φούτερ;

$ 42

Ψώνισε τώρα

5. have you ever had your tarot cards read?

I vaguely recollect somebody reading my cards years ago…so yes?

6. Head to toe denim — indeed or no?

I believe if you break up the denim visually in some way, like by having darker pants as well as a lighter shirt, it can work. If you go as well matchy-matchy though it’s a mess.

7. Something you have a love/hate connection with?

UGH, Pilates (and all core exercises in general). I like exactly how I feel when I’m done, however I dislike really, truly dislike exactly how horrible I am at abdominal exercises now. I’m hoping I get better…someday.

8. blazer or cardigan?

I would like a blazer since I feel like my wardrobe needs one, however ya know…am I truly going to wear a blazer to take Connor to a playdate? Or to sit around my house? I assumption I’ll opt for the cardigan then. One with pockets, please!

9. would you like fries with that?

Yes, please, with the ketchup ON THE SIDE (I cannot stand having my fries doused in ketchup).

Η φιλική σας κοινότητα προσφυγή εξαρτημάτων,



ΥΣΤΕΡΟΓΡΑΦΟ. Ακριβώς εδώ είναι οι ανησυχίες για την αντιγραφή / επικόλληση με τις απαντήσεις σας σε ένα σχόλιο. Μιλήστε σύντομα.

1. A city you love?
2. Lemonade, lemon bars or lemon pasta?
3. huge brows or huge hair?
4. pick one — lash curler, tweezers or nail file?
5. have you ever had your tarot cards read?
6. Head to toe denim — indeed or no?
7. Something you have a love/hate connection with?
8. blazer or cardigan?
9. would you like fries with that?

P.P.S. It’s a new week, wonderful friend, as well as I would like to remind you that you are loveable, as well as you have a lot more to offer than you know. Be additional gentle with your spirit this week, OK? ?

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